New Boulder Police Data Reveals Troubling Trends
After four years of repeatedly asking the City of Boulder to release police data on race of people stopped and on use of force, the Boulder Police Department finally published new data last week. What was made public is not the kind of in-depth and comprehensive data dashboard we’ve seen from other local institutions like the Denver Police Department, Aurora Police Department, Boulder District Attorney’s Office, nor BVSD. Instead, it appears to be a hand-picked selection of statistics, with the disaggregated data being quite limited in nature and beginning only in 2024, leaving a data blackout on both stops-by-race after 2018 and use-of-force-by-race after 2021.
Statement from Boulder Progressives opposing Colorado HB25-1208 - Local Governments Tip Offsets for Tipped Employees
We are deeply troubled that HB 25-1208 is an end-run by business owners on the careful compromises that were struck, to the detriment of hardworking hourly employees in tipped positions in Boulder, Boulder County, Denver, and Edgewater.