Vote YES on 2C

Boulder Progressives supports a YES vote on 2C. In fact, we feel so strongly about the importance of this issue that we've made a whole explainer page just for 2C.

City Council members currently make less than the minimum wage for the 20+ hours of work they do every week, which means most people can't afford to run for office. We believe that everyone deserves fair pay for their work.

Increasing Council pay will remove financial barriers, open the door for more diverse candidates to serve, and ensure a more representative democracy—paving the way for a more equitable future for Boulder.

Hear more on why to vote yes on 2C from former Boulder Mayor Suzanne Jones and former Boulder County Commissioner Elise Jones:

“VOTE YES. As Zan knows firsthand, serving effectively on the City Council requires a significant, largely uncompensated, time commitment. If we want our elected bodies to be more inclusive and reflective of the diversity of our community, we have to make it more affordable for would-be Council members who have fewer resources to serve by increasing the compensation for their service.”


Vote YES on 2D


Vote NO on 131